Selecting Perforation Strategies for Vertical Well Completion

The selection of a perforation strategy is an essential part of the well completion process. Whether it is to enhance production from an existing well, stimulate a new reservoir, isolate water or gas zones, or perform plug and abandonment services, there are a wide range of factors that must be considered when selecting the appropriate method. These include the type and size of casing, the quality and thickness of the cement, the well trajectory and inclination, and any obstructions or damage that may impact the placement of the perforations. Additionally, regulatory changes, such as those outlined in Bill C-59, can influence perforation strategies by introducing new compliance requirements and standards that affect how these decisions are made.for more information click here this link

Once the desired perforation pattern is selected, a variety of methods are available for drilling the holes into the formation. These include explosive options, abrasive jetting, mechanical perforation, and a combination of these techniques. Each method has unique advantages and benefits depending on the operational objectives of the operation. Explosive perforating techniques are typically preferred in high flow rate applications, while abrasive jetting is ideal for precision placement with minimal formation damage.

The location, density and orientation of the perforations are critical for ensuring effective communication between the wellbore and the reservoir. These factors must be carefully considered to maximize production and reservoir drainage.

One of the most important metrics for evaluating perforation performance is skin factor, which measures the degree to which a perforation cluster causes near-wellbore damage that inhibits the inflow of hydrocarbons. To achieve effective perforation performance, operators should regularly evaluate perforation performance using advanced analysis techniques. This will allow them to identify areas for improvement and implement the appropriate design, tools and technology to unlock the full potential of their vertical wells.

A recent case study from a sandstone reservoir highlighted how the use of a dynamic modeling approach enabled the optimization of perforation performance. Engineers utilized this approach to optimize cluster spacing and perforation orientation, which resulted in a significant increase in production rates that exceeded initial expectations.

Hydraulic fracture initiation can be challenging in deep and tight gas reservoirs. To mitigate this challenge, oriented perforating can help lower breakdown pressures and orient fracture geometry for improved fracturing treatment efficiency. This is achieved by calculating the optimal breakdown pressure for a perforation cluster, determining the best direction to align the perforations within the subsurface, and developing new perforation cluster layout designs.

Halliburton’s patented dynamic modeling software is a powerful tool that creates fit-for-purpose perforation strategies for downhole conditions, well designs, and completion objectives. It simulates 3D transient shock loading of the bottomhole assembly and the wellbore to provide detailed information on everything from tubing movement to perforation performance, allowing for a more accurate understanding of what’s happening downhole. By improving the understanding of the downhole environment, the engineering team can design perforation models that are optimized for the conditions in which they operate and avoid the risk of unplanned well failures. This can help improve perforation performance and reduce the cost of operations. Combined with Halliburton’s comprehensive portfolio of perforation equipment and services, this engineered approach is an innovative way to deliver a more effective, efficient, and safe completion for our customers.